De Keep an Eye Summer Jazz Workshops - inschrijving geopend

Grijp je kans om je kennis en kunde te verbeteren en schrijf je in voor de Keep an Eye Summer Jazz Workshops. Steek je licht op bij het Conservatorium van Amsterdam, maar blijf de laatste nieuwtjes ook hier volgen.

Keep an Eye Summer Jazz Workshop 2016 Conservatorium van Amsterdam co-hosted by Manhattan School of Music New York: july 4 -5- 6 -7 -8, 2016

Volg de jazz workshops: < TERUG   VERDER >

An advanced level Jazz Workshop for professionals and students from around the world. Application is open now. Are you a jazz professional or student? Serious about improving your skills? Take this opportunity for networking and developing your skills by following an advanced jazz course in one of Europe's most prominent jazz scenes.

Come and play in our beautiful building, with students from around the world, under the guidance of the faculty of the Manhattan School of Music New York and the Conservatorium van Amsterdam.
A week full of lessons, workshops, masterclasses, lectures and concerts at Europe's largest jazz department. Every day from 10.00 a.m.
Unique, different and special! APPLICATION IS OPEN NOW >

What students say



'Hearing the stories and experiences and words of wisdom of every member of faculty was unbelievable, and provided me with a wealth of knowledge that I can learn from far after the conclusion of the workshop.'

'I felt privileged to be able to work with such great teachers and musicians from all over the world.'