Volg de Design Talent Grant: < TERUG VERDER >
We are passionate and relentless in pushing ourselves forward to develop impactful initiatives for the world. Although our sensational dedication to design drives us to explore unexpected corners, we find ourselves to be quite calm and calculated when it comes to shaping our capabilities and capacity. We believe that our journey till now has been a strong adventure that has gained the merits to be seen as a serious business case that can shape the future of our world.
Zelf maken, het belang van de beleving, leren via internet, bewuster omgaan met voeding, het plezier van het bouwen – al die dingen komen steeds meer samen in mijn werk. Een bijdrage van het Keep an Eye Foundation zou mij de ruimte geven om alle elementen op hun plaats te laten vallen. Het kan me zeker helpen in de ontwikkeling van mijn carrière zodat ik mijn passies voor design, maken en voedselbereiding nog beter kan combineren en communiceren.
Als ontwerper ontwikkel ik tools die ervoor zorgen dat ‘vreemden’ met elkaar in gesprek gaan. Contact met vreemden kan je wereldbeeld namelijk verrijken en eenzaamheid tegen gaan. De ‘tools for conversation’ kunnen in het met informatie overlaadde tijdperk en in de zoektocht naar ‘echtheid’ in brede zin een functie krijgen. Ook in het privaat publieke domein dat social design veelal nog moeten ontdekken kan het een effectief instrument zijn voor maatschappelijk draagvlak. Ik zou graag de gelegenheid hebben om uit te zoeken op welke verschillende manieren mijn werk past in het bedrijfsleven binnen de verschillende sectoren.
I have a mission: Creating human-centric sensory experiences that help people to de-stress, have a better sleep quality and to reduce the pain experience. I would like to build prototypes, which I can use for testing my concept. The testing I would like to do in a specific medical envi- ronment, which is easily translated to the home domain. With that knowledge I want to start launching in the consumer market since the market potential is the highest in that domain. From there on I will later on have the possibility to go back to the prof. market.
The setup is intended to trigger a dialogue between designers, clients and manufacturers who are encouraged to approach each project as a collaborator. By manifesting unfinished researches, Envisions allows for unexpected developments in the making process and ultimately gives rise to new-found joint ventures.
Ik wil graag mijn enthousiasme betreft “phygital” ontwerpen (physical + digital) delen en overbrengen naar andere ontwerpers en kunstenaars geef ik graag presentaties over mijn werkwijze. Het komende jaar zal ik daarom me gaan focussen op wat de mogelijkheden zijn tot het opzetten van een van platform/service waarbij studenten, ontwerpers en kunstenaars in samenwerking met universiteiten en de industrie deze manier van werken verder te ontwikkelen.
With this grant, I am aiming to elevate this information design methodology to a professional level, so I can practice specifically on conducting creative research, filtering complex data and translating into a visually communicative art form, without the burden of the market.
Considering the 1.6 million patients that suffer from stroke in Europe each year, and the unsustainable costs of healthcare at both the individual and corporate level, the need for improved systems, and therefore business potential, is huge. This therapeutic process is guided by scientific research, but our goal is to also integrate the intuitive and aesthetic qualities of art and design. We aim to create more than just another a medical device. This process asks users to create visual harmonies and disruptions with movement, teaching the mind and body to work together creatively. As we deepen the rehabilitation process we hope to create a more holistic definition of health and well-being.
The project aims at creating an open production database of daily life objects, and therefore to give creative and critical tools to the people for world-creating. In other words, SUPERLOCAL, 0 miles production invites the people to explore the world of local production by learning and making. We design new production scenarios for daily life objects. Production happens not just to maximize efficiency but it addresses environmental and social viability.
I believe that the financial impulse of Keep an Eye Design Talent Grant will allow me to continue, strengthen and deepen the theoretical and practical basis of my ongoing research: An Intervening Space between design and international law, to continue investigation on the current notion of citizenship through the water lens (seas and rivers), as well as to expand the research on the vertical boundary, looking into the aerial matter: the aerospace, the outer-space, which as international water is not subject to country’s sovereignty.